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Advisory Board

An all volunteer, Mayor and City Council-appointed, advisory board guides the work of the Bastrop Main Street Program. The Bastrop Main Street Program Advisory Board is made up of nine voting members and seven ex-officio members. The Board meets on the first Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Bastrop Main Street Program office, located at 1408B Chestnut Street (the historic house on the Bastrop Convention and Exhibit Center property). Meetings are open to the public, with posted agendas, and those interested in the program are encouraged to attend.


Voting Members: Dick Smith (President), Shawn Pletsch (Vice President), Cindye Wolford (Secretary), Jeanette Condray, Keith Goertz, Michelle Adams, Martha Granger, Bonnie Coffey, and Dan Hepker


Ex-Officio Members

Angela Ryan (Bastrop Economic Development Corp.), Kristi Koch (Planning and Zoning Commission), Marilyn Whites (Historic Landmark Commission), Becki Womble (Bastrop Chamber of Commerce), Dock Jackson (Bastrop City Council), and Mike Talbot (City Manager)


Standing Committees

The Bastrop Main Street Program is an all-volunteer army that accomplishes its work through four standing committees (with a volunteer advisory board assisting in coordination). Each of the four committees meets monthly to advance the program in accordance with the annually updated strategic plan, and each committee welcomes new members. Come to a meeting, observe, and join a committee that speaks to your interests!

All meetings are held in the Bastrop Main Street Program offices at 1408B Chestnut Street, the historic house on the grounds of the Bastrop Convention and Exhibit Center. Meetings for each committee occur as follows:

Promotions Committee:

Fourth Thursday (monthly) at 9:30am

Co-Chaired by Martha Granger and Becca Pentland

Organization Committee:

Last Wednesday (monthly) at 12:00pm

Chaired by Shawn Pletsch and Michelle Adams

Design Committee:

Second Tuesday (monthly) at 5:00pm

Chaired by Dan Hays-Clark and Jeanette Condray

Economic Restructuring Committee:
Third Friday (monthly) at 8:00am

Chaired by Debbie Moore


*Entrepreneur Ready Leadership Team (special project sub-committee of the Economic Restructuring Committee):
 Second Wednesday (monthly) at 7:30am

 Chaired by Bonnie Coffey


For more information about these committees, contact Nancy Wood at (512) 332-8996 or email


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